Monday, July 14, 2008

Dermatology In A Bottle

The Article is about all the makeup that is overflowing with promise such as anti-aging. They give the impression that some of their products can, "diminish fine lines and wrinkles, treat acne, firm the skin, and even help reverse aging."(LA TIMES) Some of the products which try to advertise doesn't have legal research to back them up. The market of cosmetics category have been driven up by the growth that benefits around 39 million dollars from brands makeup with anti-aging. Its impossible to know what ingredients that people use in these types of products, and there are womens out there who wish to pursuit the rich young look. Even though many of these products doesn't have legitimate research to back them up, it doesn't hurt to try them out at all. My opinion is that the make up with anti-aging and other benefits doesn't work usually, because my friends always buy products and it always turn out into bad products. All of these makeup with the anti-aging claim, and their studies are just lies that try to keep us buying their products and make money.


Daniel said...

making up is a very terrible and complicated thing.
Fortunately, I don't need it..

Zhan said...

Hi! Nice summary. Interesting information.

Ally said...

we should be natural beauty~~~


Yen said...

This product is not for makeup. Actually this thing can help your skin from bad effects of getting old. but i agree with all of you guys! ^^

Rapida said...

i agree with u

"...their studies are just lies that try to keep us buying their products and make money"

so save money for doing other things is much more better